Focus 2 | Students
Focus 2 is an online career assessment that helps you figure out how you relate to the world of workNot sure what to study? Explore majors and careers with
How can Focus 2 help me?
With Focus 2 you can discover your academic strengths, work interests, values, personality,
and explore Butte College majors and potential career paths.
Use Focus 2 as often as you’d like. Your results and preferences are saved in your
account and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
It’s recommended to meet with a Career Specialist to discuss your individual results.
How do I get started?
Login to Focus 2 by using your Butte username and password
How do I get started?
If you are not yet a Butte College student, you can create a Focus 2 account by using
the access code dash.
Click the REGISTER button to create an account and use access code: dash
Content Editor:
Brian Donnelly